Friday, January 8, 2010

Can you brush your teeth before a blood test for pregnancy - HELP PLEASE?

I no you can't eat or drink for 10 hours but can you brush your teeth in the morning before you leave for your blood test?

Please help!!!

Thank youCan you brush your teeth before a blood test for pregnancy - HELP PLEASE?
Yes, you can brush your teeth.

Your doctor want to check your blood sugar levels. They might have told you that they will give you a sweet drink to you a 30 minutes before they draw the blood.Can you brush your teeth before a blood test for pregnancy - HELP PLEASE?
Yes, and you SHOULD eat and drink. Where in teh world did you hear that you can't? And yes, absolutely brush your teeth.
hi! i don't know why you can't eat or drink for blood work for pregnancy,i don't know where you heard this,unless thats what your DR said,i never had to go trough that with my pregnancies,for blood work,(fasting)is what you would call it when you can't eat or dreak befor tests,yes you are allowed to use water for your teeth,and you are still allowed to drink abit has well,good luck

of course, just don't drink any water, spit it out

the hematologist will appreciate nice breath
Yes, you can brush your teeth, but no, try not to drink too much water. If you drink a lot your blood will be more dilute, and it's easier to pick up the pregnancy hormone when your blood is more concentrated.
Yes of course you can. It's also a good idea to drink water to keep yourself hydrated. Makes for an easier blood draw.
Yes getting a blood test has nothing to do with a pregnecy test.
Why not? and why would you not drink water, I always find I let blood so much easier when I am hydrated, I never heard of not being aloud for a regular blood test.
Yes, of course
Yes that's fine. Just don't swallow any water.
yes, you can.
Of course you can. =D
yeah why wouldnt you be able to?? and iv have never heard of not being able to eat or drink anything before a blood test....
I JUST had my blood test ran last week and you should not eat before you go IF you are doing the glucose test... They told me to fast from midnight the night before and they said I could brush my teeth with no toothpaste. :)
I've never heard of a fasting bllod draw to determine pregnancy. Eat and drink as you normally would, it won't change the results. And yes, please brush your teeth!
you can brush your teeth.

When you brush your teeth, you're supposed to spit out the toothpaste, so the only thing going to your stomach is a little water.

When they tell you to not eat or drink for 10 hours before any blood test, this doesn't mean absolutely no water... it means, no orange juice, apple juice, coffee, tea, etc. You can call your doctor or the lab, but I don't think that water is restricted before blood tests. as far as I'm aware, only food type drinks are restricted, and water is not a food.

And you're not eating the toothpaste... you're brushing with it and spitting it out. about all you'll drink is a few sips of water which won't harm a blood test.

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