Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you use human toothpaste to brush a dogs teeth or do you use special toothpaste?

I am glad to hear that you are considering brushing your dogs teeth. As many people don't know with brushing your dogs teeth every few days along with giving them dental treats you are helping with the prevention of dental disease which can cause many problems for your pet and tear a giant whole in your wallet.

Human toothpaste is toxic to dogs. A vet will have a few options for you on what you can use and some stores sell doggy toothpaste. From what I have gathered the toothpaste is just for taste. Its get your dog to allow you to brush his or her teeth without being giving a gross taste but rather something tasty.

You can brush their teeth with a soft child's toothbrush, gauze or a finger brush..gauze and finger brushes work best b/c it makes it easier for you to get further back on their teeth without having to struggle with your pet.Do you use human toothpaste to brush a dogs teeth or do you use special toothpaste?
I have a 4 month old puggle and there is a special toothpaste for them and u can get it from any petstores like petco,petsmart, or the vet. I don't know where u live so i don't know if u have those stores. DON'T USE HUMAN TOOTHPASTE ON THE DOG THEY WILL GET SICK!

Hope i helped

ByeDo you use human toothpaste to brush a dogs teeth or do you use special toothpaste?
Dog toothpaste, and it really works.

Dogs swallow all the toothpaste. There is no rinsing, so it has to be edible, and human toothpaste is not edible.
dog- it's good for them and it's easier. I get peanut butter flavor and my dog loves getting her teeth brushed.

My vet said human toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed- so it's harmful for dogs.
Dog toothpaste.

Human toothpaste is even toxic to people when swallowed, and a dog most definitely will swallow.
You use a special toothpaste, there are tons of different flavors you can buy them at any pet store.
Human toothpaste is harmful to dogs. Buy a special kind of doggie toothpaste at your local pet store.
Why are you brushing your dog's teeth? Between good food, rawhide chews, bones and Greenies, you don't need that!!
I've heard of pedigree dentastix.

Good snack, and cleans dogs teeth.

Two for one.
Dog toothpaste. Never use human.

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